Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 49 is Friday and pay day and I lost another 4.25 pounds and I am one pound away from losing a total of 50 pounds.  Which will be another small goal of mine.  The ladies loved my presentation last night for our meeting.  I pray that I may have gotten a little into their heads.  I pray that the fire in my belly right now will never go out and that I can pass on a little light to start up in their bellies.  I feel right now on such a high that nothing can stop me.  I just want to keep up the pace and keep on marching.  Wow sometimes I can't believe that this is me.  I want so much to keep this feeling and remembering this feeling, especially during the low times.  But I am tyring to keep up with the reality too.  I also keep praying to embrace this all and just be so thankful for all I have. 
As a matter of fact, I woke up this morning with more ideas for the ladies and myself.  I have never done that before, just wake up with ideas.  I hope that this is not going to be an obsession because that can cause one to go least I think.
I just hung up with my sister, I called to wish her happy anniversary and to really enjoy her weekend.  Her hubby made plans to go away.  They are going to Cape May, in New Jersey for the weekend.  All she knows is that he booked a room in an Old Victorian breakfast house.  She just loves all that kind of stuff.  I am so happy that it is suppose to be a lovely weekend, weather wise.
Speaking about the great weather that they are predicting, I am planning to skip over, worrying about how the house should be clean and finally try to go out back and do some yard work and clean up the back patio.  I really want to dress it up with all of my silk flowers baskets and also put out my figures out and just make the back looked inviting and relaxing.  It is my favorite place to be in the evenings.  Just enjoying nature.  Also if I get all of this done on Saturday, possible I could do some cooking outside on the grill, maybe even have our dinner outside.  I certainly hope so.

Well the weekend hasn't started yet because this report is definitely not done.

Until later......

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