Saturday, February 27, 2016

Starting again

Wow unbelievable how it has been a year since my last post. Hmmm lets see what has happened. My granddaughter was born the end of July 2014. Oh she is such a cutie pie. Unfortunately I don't see her too often. That in itself is another whole story. Now we (hubby & I) are waiting for grandchild number two to be born. My daughter is due the beginning of April. They (daughter and son-in-law) know the sex of the baby. They are going to reveal at the Jack & Jill baby shower next month. Things are so much different today than years ago. My crocheting has improved a lot since last year. For the new baby, I have crocheted several blankets, several caps, sweater and bonnet with little booties and a bib. Hopefully my daughter will use it more than my daughter-in-law has. We'll see. As for me, back in October I was admitted into the hospital with severe pneumonia. I was in for four days. With all of this I had to stop smoking. I smoked close to a pack a day. I have smoked for over 40 years. So stopping was definitely extremely hard. The doctor did give me the patch which I wore for almost three weeks. Then one day I just forgot to put it on. Well it has now been almost 20 weeks (actually this coming Tuesday) since my last cigarette. Only problem with all of this is that I have now gained close to 40 pounds. Well I have now started again. I am trying to journal my food intake. I also now have a garmin vivofit, which counts my steps and monitors my sleep. I am trying to move in the right direction again. Saying many prayers and always reaching for God. Until later.......