Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 174 I think I am back in control

Well I have made it through this week, working the 10 hours each day so I can have off tomorrow.
It has been a bit of a struggle but it is all good.
As for my food, well I have done pretty well except for two days.  Like usually I have caved in.  Tuesday here at work they celebrated birthdays, so I had some cake. We do it once a month. Then for Wednesday, I went out with a co-worker/friend and had some pizza.  So with those two days put me over my calorie limit each day.
Today I am looking forward to seeing the ladies from TOPS tonight.  I have really missed them.  Tonight I have planned to discuss portion control.  I went to Party City and bought 9 ounce cups.  I plan on giving them out and challenging them to prepare their plates with only one cup of whatever they made for dinner.  Even if they had prepared items as mash potatoes, Mac and cheese, whatever.  I want to instruct them to eat just that plate, when finished to really think and feel of how they feel.  Are they satisfied, are they truly still hungry.  I came across this idea through an article I had read, where someone measure just one cup of everything they ate.  If anything this may give a better visual on portions.  As for myself, I know I need this lesson.  So I hope that there may be a few who will like the idea.
Below are some of the dresses that hopefully Saturday my daughter and I will try to go out and see them.  These seemed to be my favorites, at least looking at them on the computer.

I hope that we have some luck.  Should be fun and I hope the day is nice, even though they are calling for bad weather.  At least not too bad because we do have a bit of traveling to do.   Ah time will tell.
Until later………….

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