Friday, May 17, 2013

What am I doing????????????

Amazing, just even back a few days and poof how easy it is to break a promise.
Unfortunately I missed writing, then again, how much can stuff happen in one day, ah yes a lot but nothing really much this day, which in turn I am grateful that nothing drastic happened.
Last night was weigh in at TOPS and really I was quite surprised, I did manage to lose 1.75 pounds.  I honestly thought I may have gained a half of pound or something.  Now I just need to lose another 4.25 pounds to get where I was several weeks ago and then really continue to lose.  A dear friend left a comment stating that maintain in the same 5-10 lb window isn’t a bad thing that I should consider it practicing for life.  My goodness she is such a blessing to me with her wisdom and support.  I adore her.  I understand the concept of what she is saying but part of me is saying that is such a nice excuse.  I really need to concentrate more of losing.  I have made a promise to myself of what I would like to weigh on the day of the wedding, which is in five months, and all I need to lose is another 20 pounds, so doable, so why am I not doing it?  Such a good question, and truthfully I am not one of those procrastinators neither.  I am the type to plan and execute of usually whatever needs to be done, but why not this?  Too much work?  Too much planning?  What are my excuses?  I should have none
I am looking forward to this weekend.  On Sunday I am going with my son to the outlets, just him and I.  This is part of his mother’s day gift to me that we spend the day together.  I just love it; we have been doing this for the last five years.  I might as well take full advantage of it because once he is married and has children; he will not have time for this anymore.
Well I need to get moving back again with my reports.
Still need to answer some of my own questions though.
Until later……………..

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